Thursday, October 28, 2010
.: ChiLdhOoD meMoRy :.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
.: SuPeRmAn :.
If I c0uLd Be s0me0ne, wh0 w0uLd I Be???
This topic so interesting to discuss…
Firstly ,went we look at this topic many thing that we will thinking because if we have been given a chance If you could be someone, who would you be? of course the answer is many person that we want to be right. For example if we love to played football we must want to be like cristiano ronaldo o lionel messi. this 2 person have a good skill and technique in football. They have their own attitude and good discipline that can attract other people to look at them went they is on the pitch. but, If we love to hear music we must choose to be like lady gaga and justin bieber. why I talk like that because both of them have a good talent in singing and they also have complete package to be a good singer.

But for me If I could be someone, I will choose to be a SUPERMAN.
Maybe went the first time you see the SUPERMAN, you would be categorized him as a crazy person because he is the only superhero or person that wear the underwear outside the pants. This is a ridiculous and not plausible. But like the old people said the 'don’t judge the book by it cover'. This word so suitable to use for describe about superman.
Why I choose to be SUPERMAN?

.:He is a good and kind person:.
.:He always help other people that have a problem:.
.:He willing to mortgage his life to save other people:.
.:He has a unique suite
.:He no need other help to fight with criminals or thief or goon:.
.:He always be himself:.
.:He has high level of confidence:.
.:He is courage and brave person:.
.:He does not use advanced technology to increase his strength & power because for him the power in himself exceeded all
SUPERMAN is a person who always helped other people in trouble and he never asked any consideration (eg; money or valuables). He do all this with sincerity and honest.That why I want to be like SUPERMAN
In Islamic view, people are always helping others who are in trouble will be given rewards from Allah SWT. This is an attitude that is very precious in the sight of Islam. People who are always helps other people will be promised the place in heaven by Allah SWT.
Lastly, if I got a chance to wear the superman costume I will wear the underwear inside the pants because for me it seems more polite.
.: My dReAm :.

What is dream ???
i think u’ll have your own meaning about dream in your life.dream is a something that abstract.all people in this region must have their own dream.i also have my own dream.since I was children I already have a dreams are,I want to have my own sport car,big house,good job and be a person that have a lots of money because for me if we have a money i can buy anything that i want.Below is the 5 list of the world's richest billionaire that always inspired me to be a success person :
1. Carlos Slim Helu (Mexico) - Telecom
2. Bill Gates (USA) - Microsoft
3. Warren Buffett (USA) - Investment
4. Mukesh Ambani (India) - Petrochemical,Oil & Gas
5. Lakshmi Mittal (India) - Steel

But for sure when im getting older I know,to achieve my dream it is a something that really hard to’s all because i must to work hard and never feel give up in whatever I do.firstly,to get a good and better life in future I must have to success in my study for get a good success in study it is a not easy at all.because I will face a many challenger and obstacle.
when I’m was 7 years old my parent already sent me to school because they want me to be a good and success person.they also have talked to me that,if I want to achieve my dream I must go to school and study hard.from there I know that,school is a platform where I can obtain a knowledge that I can bring along for the road to I already 19 years old and I still study at KPTM Kuantan in Diploma of Information Technology.i think since I’m study here I gain a lots of experience and learn a lots of new thing that I can make as supply to success in my future and achieve my dream. After I graduated in diploma, I wish to continue my study in master and further maybe in PhD.I feel after I get away with master all my dream will comes true because dream will not be enjoyed and felt if we only know how to think or speaks about it without any action in doing.
Insya’Allah, if all my dream comes true, i want to bring my parent and whole my family go to Mecca to perform hajj and sign my gratitude to Allah S.W.T for what He has given to me.of course if have I my own sport car,big house and a lot of money,I want to build my own family that will always lived in peace and harmony.The person that I want to married to finish my bachelor days must be a women that I really loved and care.
Lastly,the thing that I need to do to achieve my dream is I must be close with Allah SWT. I will always pray to Allah SWT to fulfill and realize what I expected for my dreams. Aminn..
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
.: ProCrAstiNAtiOn :.
.: PrAyEr :.