Sunday, January 31, 2010

.: I as IT Ambassador :.


what is ICT

- is a term that includes any
communication device or application -
- consider all the uses of digital technology -
- allow users to participate in a rapidly changing world in which
work or activities by access to varied
and developing technology -


what is IT ??
study, design, development, implementation,
support, or management of computer
based information systems -
- particularly software applications and computer hardware -

..Now in this new era technology, the uses of technology is so important for using the advantage of technology we all can get many benefit that can help us to solve any problem in our daily life.. we all known, Malaysia is 1 of the best country in this a citizen i should be proud with our country achievement..Malaysia also have their own technology that other country didn't know and have..such as Malaysia use their technology to built up the KLCC and KL Tower (sky-crapper)..all this was develop by using the sophisticated technology..
..despite our country have a high technology but in that situation Malaysia also still can't hide their weakness..such as if we look at Information Technology (IT) sector the weakness that we can see is our country have a low coverage of network ..not like overseas country..such as at London, it have the high network coverage..all the public place in their country have a network coverage..that can make all layer of community easy to connect with Internet in whatever situation..
..if I chosen as IT ambassador in Malaysia, i will increase the facilities of network coverage in our country..this is so important because if our country have a high network coverage, it will give many advantages for all layer of society..such as we all can connected with internet anytime and can make easy for us to do something because we can get everything from the internet (many resources)..
..I also want to develop 1 system that allow all layer of society including disabled person, children to use it..and this system also will give many benefit for us..such as, for student the benefit that they will get from this system is them can get any information and notes about their study easily and this kind of learning is more interesting and attractive..

Monday, January 25, 2010

.: bLoG :.

This Layout is so simple but it nice n looking at this layout my soul felt so calmly and it can reduce my using this layout i think i can attract anyone to visit my blog..hehe=)this is my first time i involve in blog environment..before this, I never used blog to narrate or share my opinion with other people(user) coz I always think that by using a blog it only waste our time.But now, in new era technology, I think blog is 1 of the very important medium for us to obtain or change or to get a new using blog also, we can share our opinion or we can give an opinion to the other people(user) using blog also we can tell all conflict or problem that we faced in our life to other people and at the same time we could ask other people for an opinion to resolve our also can be a medium for us to discuss about global issues. Through the blog also,i think we can improve and increase our communication skill n our language..hehe..nowadays,blog is so vital in my life!!! hehe=)..

.: aBouT my LiFe :.

NaMe : MuhAmaD FaRiD iBrahiM..
AgE : 18 yEaRs oLd..
D.o.B : 7 OcTboBer 1991..
p.O.b : KuAntAn,PahaNg..
hObbY : pLay fOotBaLL..
iDoL : oF coUrse mY daDdy..
(liKe faTher Like sOn)haha!!!..
liFe MoTtO : hAppY gO LuckY!!!..
emAiL : farredibrahim91
FavOrite FoOd : kFc n mc'D..
favOriTe dRiNk : CoCa CoLa..

I'm Juz a SimpLe perSon..LikE to HanGouT with mY friEnd n go for shopping wHeN i got a free time..tHAt aLL AbOuT mYseLf..ThAnx =)

.: HyE :.

HeLLo..NiCe To MeEt YoU aLL..